D-Coil Clay : Towards Interactive 3D Printing

D-Coil Clay is a freehand digitally controlled clay extruding tool designed to let users interleave the design and fabrication process. With D-Coil, one can specify basic extruded geometry (polygons, circles, or 2D freehand drawings) and coil up an accurate 3D clay model with the help of an actuated clay extruder. Design and fabrication occurs at the same time with the same tool, reinforcing the sense of a constant conversation between the designer and the artifact. The end products of the interaction are a physical clay model accompanied by a precise digital model, which can be easily replicated with standard 3D techniques.




Here are some prelliminary results of D-Coil:


A tower made with two tapered cylinders placed on top of each other.


Alvar Aalto type vase created from a freehand curve following a printed template glued on the work surface.


A frog with clay and printed hat. Frog model



This on-going project is credit to Huaishu Peng, Amit Zoran and Francois Guimbretiere. D-Coil is based on the FreeD design.